Marcus Oakley

Available on Apple Books

24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2020
100 Copies

Titles by Marcus Oakley
God Only Knows


"These drawings are a way of recording my time and memories of various landscapes and locations, from explorative day trips, holidays and daily garden observations. Depicting everything from mid-century housing to lakes and mountains, I’m interested in the built environment as much as the countryside. I’m really drawn towards modernist, brutalist and post-modern architecture, including residential, shopping, office and municipal. Drawing is a way to connect, understand and appreciate these buildings. Living in Scotland, I’m fortunate to have easy access to hills, mountains and coastline, These landscapes are so inspiring, especially the mountains. I grew up in the flatlands of Norfolk, so I find mountains something rather magical and powerful." Marcus Oakley

Lives and Works from Dunfermline, Scotland. Originally from Norfolk, a coastal county in England’s south-east, Marcus Oakley’s work is inspired by many things – both retrospective and contemporary. His influences include folky, harmonic and melodic musics of all kinds; the pastoral and folkloric delights of the countryside and the various eccentric beasts and humans that inhabit it; the joys of cycling; the stimulations of tea; the dizzy geometries of architecture and design – and overall the wonders of making stuff.