People Without Contents
Ruohan Wang

Available on Apple Books

Part of the Chinese Zine Box
Co-Published with

16 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b7w Photocopy
First Edition 2018
100 Copies

“Contents here are approaches of non-goals, so that people become the people without contents, but only with pure gestures: a sort of experience about filling in beauty, desire and rejoice with wild excitement, which is related to spiritual health. Although it’s short of a refined first experience for readers.” - Ruohan Wang, artist in the fields of illustration, drawing and painting, based in Berlin since 2016 after finishing her studies at UdK Berlin.

The original printed edition of this zine is sold out. It is available as electronic zine (ePub) for Apple devices from the link above. You may request the direct ePub file for other compatible devices ($2.99).